A new year often means reflecting on the year past and making a list of resolutions for the next. We’ve learnt especially this year that life brings us challenges we can’t plan ahead for. So where do we begin? After a year of uncertainty all around, we have decided to share what we’ve learned along the way.
What 2020 has taught us:
APPRECIATE the small things in life. This might be going for a nice walk, being able to have dinner with a few friends, getting a coffee, watching a movie, being with family or going to a yoga class.
ACCEPT that our goals will continue to evolve and plans may change, and that’s okay.
BE PRESENT and treasure every moment you get to do anything you love.
BREATHE with or without a mask, we need to take care of ourselves to keep our loved ones and our communities safe. Nourish our bodies and minds with healthy food, exercise, rest and positivity. We are so thankful for our good health.
SLOW DOWN everything. Think about the value and purpose of the things that you do and make time for in your life. Continue to learn and live more sustainably.
MINIMISE what you need in life and focus on what’s really important. We realised that there were and are a lot of extra things that we do not need.
- EMPATHISE with others when you can. Everyone has their own struggles and the more we can understand one another, the more kindness will be spread.
Wishing everyone a wonderful, happy, healthy and safe new year. We hope you continue to find joy in the simple things in life.
Much Love,
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